GPPAC Northeast Asia Statement

GPPAC Northeast Asia Statement on the occasion of GPPAC ISG meeting in Tokyo

GPPAC : The Urgent Need for Dialogue and Regional Cooperation

Northeast Asia is full of divisions, facing increasing risks of heightening militarism and nuclear threats throughout the region. Military tensions on the Korean Peninsula are at an all-time high, with the escalation of military exercises including since the beginning of 2024 by the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK), the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the United States leading to a potential imminent crisis. All channels of communication between the two Koreas have been cut off since April 2023, and the 2018 Inter-Korean Military Agreement, the minimum safeguard against armed conflict, has been neutralised since November 2023. With all land, sea, and air buffer zones gone, the risk of an accidental conflict has increased dramatically. Residents living along the border between the two Koreas are impacted firsthand by the effects of this crisis, which also poses a threat to the lives and human security of people in the region. At the same time, the construction of a new US military facility at Henoko (Okinawa, Japan), disrespectful of the will of the people of Okinawa, exacerbates tensions and poses a further threat to regional peace...

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International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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