GPPAC: Implementing Women, Peace and Security in Georgia: Where do we stand?

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Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) - News

23 November 2022

by Nina Tsikhistavi-Khutsishvili, Ph.D(c)., M.Sc., Director, International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN), GPPAC Caucasus Regional Representative.

"...The negotiation format of Geneva International Discussions (GID), led by the EU with the United Nations and the OSCE as the co-chairs, was launched in 2009 and remains the only international platform in which selected interested parties can participate in seeking conflict resolution. The GID focus on security-related issues and humanitarian needs of the conflict-affected population with little peacebuilding focus. One significant problem of the GID is local peacebuilders; lack of participation and engagement. Even though GID has been convened in an ''informal setting'' – where participants are present in their personal capacity with no official designations – the GID is still distanced from local communities. It is considered to be a ''closed'' and ''elite'' platform as there is no information regarding the agenda of GID meetings and no opportunity to submit recommendations from local peacebuilders and broader community actors".

Read the full news here.

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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