
  • High Level Conference on Mediation GPPAC participated in the International High Level Conference on Mediation organised by the Government of Belgium in Brussels on 14 February. The seminar explored many of the key challenges facing...
  • German Approaches and Policies towards Russian-Georgian Relations International Center on Conflict and Negotiation organised the meeting to present the research paper "German Approach and Politics towards Russian-Georgian Relations" by Ms. Alica Wittschen, Volunteer at...
  • Civil Society. Dialogue for Progress Technical Assistance: Strengthening non-State actors' Capacities to Promote Reform and increase Public Accountability (Civil Society. Dialogue for Progress) - the project covered: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine....
  • The OSCE as Mediator Instruments – Challenges – Potentials - the Berlin Conference The OSCE as Mediator Instruments – Challenges – Potentials German OSCE Chairmanship 2016 Conference. 6th of July, 2016, Berlin. The first parallel panel discussed the question of how to deal with non-recognised or...
  • Broadening Horizons - They Say MercyCorps Georgia Friday, 17 June 2016 Broadening Horizons: Improved Choices for the Professional and Economic Development of Women and Girls The overall purpose is to create new educational, professional...
  • Partnership: Transformative Negotiation Course in Romania Transformative Negotiation Skills: Negotiation as a Conflict Transformation Tool (TNS) Advanced Certificate Programme (ACP) of the PEACE ACTION, TRAINING AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ROMANIA (PATRIR) and the International Peace and Development...
  • “Peace Camp” - They Say Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy-Georgia (IMTD-Georgia) 15 September, 2014 Youth Peace Festival IMTD together with International Center for Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN), Transcend Georgia, Akhmeteli Theatre have recently launched a...
  • They Say GHN News Agency 08.18. 2014 New round of Russia-Georgia expert dialogue Within the frames of ICCN's "Fostering Russia-Georgia Neighborly Relations" programme financially supported by the Government of Switzerland concurrent expert dialogue...
  • They Say 18 August 2014 GHN - Georgian News Agency New Round of Russia-Georgia Expert Dialogue. Within the frames of ICCN's "Fostering Russia-Georgia Neighborly Relations" programme financially supported by the Government of Switzerland concurrent expert...
  • They Say Tbilisi to host “The Third Industrial Revolution and New Energy Regime” Conference 24 February 2014. The International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN), the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy- Georgia, Georgian school of...

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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