1990-2025 - Memberships and Participation of Georgia

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation publishes documents related to Georgia's membership and participation in international and intergovernmental organizations.

European Union (EU)

2023, 14 December - the European Council decided to grant the status of candidate to Georgia.

2023, 8 November - the European Commission recommended that that European Council grants Georgia the status of a candidate country. The Commission published Report on Georgia together with Key Findings and issued 2023 Communication on EU Enlargement Policy which outlines 9 steps to be taken by Georgia.

2022, 3 March - Georgia submitted its application for membership of the European Union.

2014, June 27 - The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) as part of the Association Agreement, is signed between the EU and Georgia.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

2000, June 14 - Georgia became the 137th WTO Member.

1996, July 3 - Georgia be admitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the request.

Council of Europe (CoE)

1999, April 27 - Georgia became the 41st member State of the Council of Europe.

1996, July 14 - Georgia applied to join the Council of Europe.

1993, March 4 - Georgia has applied to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for special guest status.

Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM

1997, October 10 - The Organization for Democracy and Economic Development-GUAM as an international regional organization that includes Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Moldova was founded.

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

1992, December 13 - The mandate of the Monitoring Mission, of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) (now OSCE) to facilitate negotiations for the peaceful settlement of armed conflicts between the parties.

Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)

1992, June 25 - Aiming at fostering interaction and harmony among its members, as well as to ensure peace, stability and prosperity, encouraging friendly and good-neighborly relations in the Black Sea region, the BSEC was founded as a forum for cooperation in a wide range of areas for its 11 Member States: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine. (Serbia joined from 2004). State leaders have made The Bosphorus Statement and the Summit Declaration on Black Sea Economic Cooperation was signed.

North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC)

1992, June 5 - Georgia joined the NACC. The meeting of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council, Oslo. Statement: welcoming Georgia as a member of the Council.

United Nations (UN)

1992, July 31 - UN General Assembly 88th Plenary Meeting, admission of Georgia to Membership in UN.

1992, July 6 - UN SC Resolution 763, supports Georgia's membership and recommends the UN General Assembly that Georgia be admitted to membership in the United Nations.

1992, July 2 - Provisional Verbatum Record of the Three Thousand and Ninetieth Meeting held at Headquarters, New York.

1992, July 2 - Report of the Committee on the Admission of New Members Concerning the Application of the Republic of Georgia for Admission to Membership in the United Nations.

1992, May 6 - Application of the Republic of Georgia for admission to membership in the United Nations.

Suggested APA citation of this page:

Tsikhistavi-Khutsishvili, N. (Ed.). (2014). Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Historical Archive of Georgia by the International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN). Retrieved /month, date, year/ from https://iccn.ge/index.php?article_id=386&clang=1

SOS Georgia!