GPPAC Regional Secretariat in Caucasus is Elected for 2020-2022

On October 9, 2019 ICCN hosted a meeting of the Regional Steering Group (RSG) of GPPAC Regional Network in South Caucasus. The RSG meeting with participation of representatives from Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan discussed ways of strengthening Regional Network of GPPAC and inviting new members to expand potential of the network, new role of gender focal points to amplify gender mainstreaming of GPPAC activities in the region and organizational issues related to the election of GPPAC Regional Secretariat in Caucasus. The RSG members supported ICCN to serve as Caucasus Regional Secretariat. As a result of the elections held ICCN is unanimously elected as GPPAC Regional Secretariat in Caucasus for the next 2020-2022 years.

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